"Despite this increase," the proxy statement notes, "the target annual cash compensation for Mr. cook remains significantly below the median annual cash compensation level for CEOs at peer companies." 代理声明中写道:“虽然经过此次涨薪,但库克先生的年现金薪酬,仍显著低于同行公司CEO的平均现金薪酬水平。”
Facebook had implicitly promised its own employees the company would go public so they could cash out the incentive equity they had been granted as part of their compensation. Facebook曾向员工许诺公司将公开上市,这样员工就能将获得的激励股权变现。
Broadcaster Foxtel blamed the error on a "miscommunication" between backstage operators, and offered Martinovich a cash gift and a trip to New York as compensation. 福斯电视台播音员解释说,这是因为后台操作时“沟通失误”造成的,并向马丁诺维奇提供现金和纽约之旅作为补偿。
Moreover, Collins found that the executives who lead the good-to-great transition actually received slightly less total cash compensation than their counterparts at comparison companies. 而且,科林斯还发现,领导企业从优秀走向卓越的管理人员实际得到的现金薪酬总额略低于对照企业中职位相当的人。
And while that number skews high because of multimillion-dollar paychecks at the top, Goldman typically sets aside more cash for compensation per employee than any other major bank. 虽然公司高层数百万美元的高额薪酬让这个数字有些虚高,但高盛员工的薪酬的确一直高于其他大型银行。
Media organisations are rife with corruption in China, where journalists are paid a pittance and the practice of taking bribes, known as hong bao ( literally red envelopes full of cash), is often built into their compensation structure. 中国的媒体机构充斥腐败行为,新闻从业人员薪酬微薄,收受被称为红包(装满现金的红纸信封)的贿赂往往是他们的薪酬结构的一部分。
The downside of receiving that much cash and/ or Google stock as compensation for your time is that it is going to be very hard to let go of those golden handcuffs. 当谷歌用这么多现金或股票套牢你的时候,你真的很难再放下这个金手铐。
The balance of cash shortage found by an enterprise less the compensation made by the liable persons shall be deduced as a cash loss in the calculation of taxable income. 企业清查出的现金短缺减除责任人赔偿后的余额,作为现金损失在计算应纳税所得额时扣除。
Coal-fired power stations will get cash compensation. 火电厂也将获得现金补偿。
Lazard, which makes most of its income from advisory and asset management fees and received no government help during the financial crisis, moved the other way, eliminating deferred cash as part of compensation. 而Lazard走上相反的道路,不再将延期支付现金作为薪酬的一部分。Lazard的大部分收入来源于咨询与资产管理收费,在金融危机期间并未获得政府资助。
Are positive derivative effects like reputation enhancement much more valuable in the long run than here-and-now cash compensation? 类似提高名誉的正面连带效应是不是比“此时此刻”的现金补偿更具长期价值?
The cash compensation they received was not enough to build new homes in the town and Zijin told them it did not have enough cash to pay them the full amount to which they were entitled for their farmland. 村民们拿到的现金补偿不够在县城盖新房,紫金矿业告诉他们,公司拿不出足够的钱,来全额支付村民失去农田所应得的补偿。
The stock would be sold on their behalf and each person who still held an allotment would receive RMB8 00000 cash or 600 times their original compensation amount. 村民们将以个人名义出售股票,每位仍持有一份配股的村民,都将得到80万元现金,相当于初始赔偿金额的600倍。
Its Japanese parent needed cash, having been hard hit by a government ruling that consumers could apply retroactively for compensation for high interest payments they paid on earlier borrowings. 日新租赁的日本母公司需要现金。日本政府规定,消费者可以对以前借款支付的高额利息申请追溯补偿。这项规定令日新集团受到沉重打击。
BP is likely to offer the US president a concession by promising to suspend payment of its dividend to ensure it has the cash available to meet all legitimate compensation claims. 英国石油可能会对美国总统做出让步,承诺推迟支付股息,以确保公司拥有充足现金,能够满足一切正当的索赔要求。
Goldman Sachs yesterday moved to quell public anger over executive pay by unveiling plans to eliminate cash bonuses for its top 30 executives this year and give shareholders a vote on compensation. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)昨日采取行动来平息公众对银行高管薪酬的愤怒。它宣布,计划今年不考虑向其排名前30位的高管发放现金奖金,并让股东就薪酬问题投票。
At the end of the second day, citizen members were summoned from the deliberations to receive envelopes of cash& compensation, it was said, for their transportation costs. 第二天晚上市民代表们被召集起来商议,并收到了装有钱的信封&他们的报酬,名义上是给他们的车马费。
In addition, they were four times as likely to choose chocolate rather than cash as compensation for their participation. 另外,他们选择巧克力作为活动回报的可能性是现金的四倍。
All members of the sb, members of the ec, and members of the PRA are honorable volunteers and receive no salary or cash compensation. 所有理事,校务干事及家长代表均为荣誉义务职,不得支领薪水或现金补贴。
In the model, two funds with unequal midyear performances compete for new cash inflows, accordingly for more compensation at the end of year, when the tournament is ended. 在模型中,两个年中业绩不同的基金为了在年末即“联赛”结束时获得更多新的资金流入从而获得更多的报酬而相互竞争。
Besides, we pay attention to the impact that managerial ownership and ownership property has on the correlation of cash compensation and earnings quality. 同时,本文还针对我国的特殊制度背景,对样本数据进行分组,研究高管持股及控股股东股权性质对现金报酬与盈余质量相关关系的影响,从而丰富和拓展了国内这方面的研究。
Thus concluded, the higher executive cash compensation, the bigger demand of external audit; the relationship of demand of external audit and managerial ownership is a significant inverted U-shaped curve. 进而得出结论,即高管现金薪酬越高的上市公司,对外部审计需求越大;而管理层持股与外部审计需求呈倒U型关系。
Some listed companies of China began to implement and disclose top management cash compensation incentive schemes since 2002, which is an important progress of top management compensation systems. 2002年起,一些上市公司开始实施并披露高管现金薪酬激励方案,使得高管薪酬制定有章可循并且更加透明化,这是上市公司高管薪酬制度建设上的一大进步。
We divide the top management compensation into cash compensation and equity compensation, and study the relationship between them and capital structure respectively. 本文将高管薪酬分为现金薪酬和权益薪酬两部分,以资产负债率衡量资本结构,并分别研究现金薪酬和权益薪酬与资产负债率之间的关系。
According to the theoretical analysis, this paper puts forward H1: after controlling other variables, executive cash compensation has a positive influence on demand of external audit. 根据理论分析,本文提出第一个研究假设H1:控制其他变量后,外部审计需求与高管现金薪酬正相关。
Thus, listed companies should disclose more information about top management compensation policies, and implementing top management cash compensation scheme should be encouraged. 因此本文认为应该要求上市公司披露更多高管薪酬制定的信息,同时应该鼓励上市公司实施并披露高管现金薪酬激励方案。